Sunday, February 13, 2011

Liver Cancer

First critic I received is from a close family friend. She does not have science background, so she was quite disappointed after going through my first blog as it was full of jargons. I really thank her for pointing out it because one of the main reasons to start this blog is to educate people about recent advances in biomedical sciences, which may include people from other walks of life not only those who are in science. So here is some basic information about liver cancer:    
What is liver cancer and what causes it:
Most commonly found liver cancer is Hepatocellular carcinoma. This type of cancer occurs more often in men than women. It is usually seen in people ages 50 - 60.
The disease is more common in parts of Africa and Asia than in North or South America and Europe.
Hepatocellular carcinoma is not the same as metastatic liver cancer, which starts in another organ (such as the breast or colon) and spreads to the liver.
In most cases, the cause of liver cancer is usually scarring of the liver (cirrhosis). Cirrhosis may be caused by:
·         Alcohol abuse (the most common cause in the United States)
·         Certain autoimmune diseases of the liver
·         Diseases that cause long-term inflammation of the liver
·         Hepatitis B or C virus infection
·         Too much iron in the body (hemochromatosis)
Patients with hepatitis B or C are at risk for liver cancer, even if they do not have cirrhosis.
·         Abdominal pain or tenderness, especially in the upper-right part
·         Easy bruising or bleeding
·         Enlarged abdomen
·         Yellow skin or eyes (jaundice)
Signs and tests
Physical examination may show an enlarged, tender liver.
Tests include:
·         Abdominal CT scan
·         Abdominal ultrasound
·         Liver biopsy
·         Liver enzymes (liver function tests)
·         Liver scan
·         Serum alpha fetoprotein
Some high-risk patients may get periodic blood tests and ultrasounds to see whether tumors are developing.
Aggressive surgery or a liver transplant can successfully treat small or slow-growing tumors if they are diagnosed early. However, few patients are diagnosed early.
Chemotherapy and radiation treatments are not usually effective. However, they may be used to shrink large tumors so that surgery has a greater chance of success.
Sorafenib tosylate (Nexavar), an oral medicine that blocks tumor growth, is now approved for patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma.
Support Groups
You can ease the stress of illness by joining a support group with members who share common experiences and problems. See:
·         Cancer - support group
Expectations (prognosis)
The usual outcome is poor, because only 10 - 20% of hepatocellular carcinomas can be removed completely using surgery.
If the cancer cannot be completely removed, the disease is usually fatal within 3 - 6 months. However, survival can vary, and occasionally people will survive much longer than 6 months.
·         Gastrointestinal bleeding
·         Liver failure
·         Spread (metastasis) of the carcinoma
Calling your health care provider
Call your health care provider if you develop persistent abdominal pain, especially if you have a history of any liver disease.
Preventing and treating viral hepatitis may help reduce your risk. Childhood vaccination against hepatitis B may reduce the risk of liver cancer in the future.
Avoid drinking excessive amounts of alcohol. Certain patients may benefit from screening for hemochromatosis.
If you have chronic hepatitis or known cirrhosis, periodic screening with liver ultrasound or measurement of blood alpha fetoprotein levels may help detect this cancer early.
National Cancer Institute. Adult primary liver cancer treatment PDQ. Updated May 22, 2009.
Roberts LR. Liver and biliary tract tumors. In: Goldman L, Ausiello D, eds. Cecil Medicine. 23rd ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Saunders Elsevier; 2007:chap 206.

1 comment:

  1. You mentioned Hemochromatosis and then did not mention iron reduction therapy and its' close relationship to hepatocellular carcinoma. When those with hepatitis have their iron levels reduced , they do not advance hepatocellular carcinoma.
    "None of these patients developed hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC)."
